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steamboat soup
-Tomyam : Specially blended soup to match perfectly with the malaysian taste, not so spicy but tingly on the edge with a bit of sour to the touch.

-Chiken soup : mixed with 7 herb and spices to give you the ummph and satisfaction for those who love malaysian original "sup kaki ayam", when mixed with the variaty of the steamboat dishes, it will give you a special feeling.

Side dishes
Nasi Goreng : every day is a surprice, nasi goreng kampong, nasi goreng biasa, nasi lemak, lontong etc


Johor famous sirap bandung soda
air mata kucing
air longan
fresh oren
special blend coffee


free flow deserts
Cendol and to end it all after eating till your hearts content, we provide free scouped ice-cream, you can request as many as you like :)

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